£7.30 per month – safe water for one child


Your Monthly Gift Transforms a Childs Life!

Join with just £7.30 per month! This small but mighty contribution ensures a child gains lifetime access to safe water, unlocking a world of health, learning, and joy for them. Your monthly pledge writes a story of hope and transformation, creating a brighter future for a child in need. With regular updates from us, you’ll witness the powerful, positive changes your gift brings, engaging with the lives you’ve touched and the communities empowered. Start making waves of change today!

Your monthly impact:

  • 1 Child Empowered: Safe water access means a brighter future, less illness, and more time for learning and playing for one child every month. You are crafting a narrative of hope, resilience, and transformation.

Why your recurring donation is a game-changer:

  • Sustained Impact: Your ongoing support enables us to plan and execute long-term projects with confidence and precision.
  • Continuity: Regular funds so our life-changing work never halts, creating continuous waves of transformation and hope.
  • Empowered Communities: With steady resources, we can deepen our engagement with communities, fostering self-sufficiency and sustained access to water.

Get in touch for any questions and details

MAIL: info@wellboring.org

Further information